Pays Rhin Vignoble Grand Ballon

Walking tour: The Ladie's Way

Icon durée blanc 2h30 minIcone distance blanc 5,3 KmIcone denivele blanc 360 m Easy


A hillside scarred by war, many vestiges still remain and punctuate your route.

This pleasant walk through the forest is a reminder of the terrible confrontations that took place on this slope, and you will arrive at the Hartmannswillerkopf, a national monument with its cemetery, its crypt and the Franco-German historial of the Great War. Lest we forget...

A walk starting from Hirtzenstein, above the village of Wattwiller. Its strong point: at every bend, there's a new site to visit and discover!

Additional Information

Latitude 47.846538304419
Longitude 7.1682201004028
Type de balisage Club vosgien
Altitude 530 m
Type de chemin dirt path path
Gare la plus proche : Cernay 6 Km
Lieu de départ Hirtzenstein à Wattwiller

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