Pays Rhin Vignoble Grand Ballon

MTB Tracks around the Grand Ballon - Alsace

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22 results

Mountain bike circuit: Hartmannswiller Route

86 m 1h30 min 7,20 Km
Starting from the Vieil-Armand winemaking cellar of Soultz-Wuenheim, and passing through the Wuenheim vineyard that will charm you with its beautiful...

Mountain bike route: Rosstall Route

452 m 2h 14,20 Km
Starting at the Sandgrube, via the clearing of Bruyères, the Bildstoecklé and Peternit-Rosstall (translation for stable), this route will take you to...

Mountain bike route: Circuit du Judenhut

960 m Half-day 28,80 Km
Magnificent black itinerary that takes you close to Lautenbach-Zell, to Judenhut (973 m) with a view over the Murbach Valley from the Lieserwasen...

Mountain bike route: Val du Pâtre Route

521 m Half-day 24 Km
Nearby is the Romanian military cemetery of Gauchmatt. You can have refreshments on the way back at the Langenstein menhir. The Val du Pâtre Chapel...

Mountain bike route: Kohlschlag Route

576 m 3h 19,20 Km
After crossing the Wuenheim vineyard and pausing to admire the Zimmermann cross, you will arrive at the Kohlschlag farm-inn, close to the Amic pass....

Mountain bike route: Circuit de Murbach

865 m 3h 25,20 Km
This circuit takes in the military cemetery, the clearing at Bruyères, the Schrangen and Wolfsgrube (Fosse- aux-Loups) passes as well as the Abbaye...

Mountain bike route: Firstplan Route

600 m 3h 20,10 Km
Close to Lautenbach, and before reaching the Boenlesgrab pass - the culminating poing of this hike - this route will take you to the heights of the...

Mountain bike route: Boucle du Grand Ballon - 45 km

1575 m All day 44,4 Km
This up / down from 44.5 km GUEBWILLER until GRAND BALLON (or BALLON de GUEBWILLER ) , the massive culmination of Vosges at 1424 meters, should be...

Circuit de VTT : Guebwiller - Haag - Markstein - Petit Ballon

2498 m All day 73 Km
This exceptional 73 km circuit, drives you around the valley of Lauch - Since Guebwiller this circuit takes exclusively nice trails and paths through...

Mountain bike route: Dreibannstein Route

141 m 1h30 min 8,35 Km
This lovely forest hike can be enjoyed by the whole family with a welcome break at the Dreibannstein shelter. Bannstein: the location of a boundary...

Mountain bike route: Circuit du Haag

1225 m Half-day 38,40 Km
When you reach the Haag pass (1,233 m) and its farm-inn, having admired the beauty of the Lac du Ballon, you can relax and enjoy the magnificent...

Mountain bike route: Saint Anne Route

362 m 2h 13,65 Km
The Jewish cemetery of Jungholtz, the Basilica of Thierenbach, the healing centre of St. Anne, the St. Peter and St. Paul Church in Rimbach-Zell and...


For families
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