Pays Rhin Vignoble Grand Ballon

Summary for experienced hikers

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23 results

Randonnée itinérante longue distance : le tour des 3 Ballons en 7 jours

4920 m 7 days / 6 nights 125 Km
Live an exceptional adventure through the south of the massif with this great itinerant hike to be done in a week. This hike is aimed at trained...
Rimbach près Guebwiller

Hiking route: The Small Valley of Rimbach

876 m All day 15 Km
This relatively long hike is characterized by an accumulated altitude of nearly 900 m. This itinerary passes through forests of varying density and...

Walking tour: Pastetenplatz and Wotan Oak

520 m All day 12 Km
Forest hike with its splendid point of views of the town, but you have to deserve the view... there's a bit of a climb!

Hiking route: Guebwiller – Grand Ballon

953 m All day 23 Km
This hike takes you to Grand Ballon, the highest peak of the Vosges mountains, which rises up to 1,424 metres. From this pass, if the weather is...

2-day hiking circuit: Rimbach - Hartmannswillerkopf - Hirtzenstein

1520 m 2 days / 1 night 29 Km
This beautiful hike, ideally done in 2 days, offers the possibility of going through several farm inns, enjoying magnificent panoramas and immersing...

Hiking route: Brun Monument – Grand Ballon – Brun Monument

830 m All day 19 Km
This hike will bring you to Grand Ballon, the highest peak of the Vosges mountains, rising up to 1,424 metres. From this pass, if the weather is...

Walking tour: the Waldkapelle via Pastetenplatz

485 m Half-day 13,9 Km
Nice half-day hike whose loop surrounds the famous Rangen vineyard, but be reassured you will in the shadow of the forest for a part of the trail!

2-day hiking circuit: Osenbach - Petit Ballon tour

1216 m 2 days / 1 night 29,7 Km
This itinerant hike allows you to discover an incredible variety of landscape, meadows, vines, forests, stubble and viewpoints in two days of...

Randonnée itinérante longue distance : le tour des 3 Ballons en 6 jours.

4500 m 6 days / 5 nights 120 Km
Live an exceptional adventure through the south of the massif with this great itinerant hike to be done in a week. This hike is aimed at trained...
Soultz Haut Rhin

Hiking route: The remains of Vieil-Armand

518 m All day 20 Km
A long walk with a relatively low elevation but that is nonetheless recommended for hikers who are used to walking. For history lovers, this hike is...

Walking tour: to the Hartmannswillerkopf

500 m 4h 7,5 Km
Discover the most important sites of Hartmannswillerkopf - The Vieil-Armand battlefield.


For families
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