Pays Rhin Vignoble Grand Ballon

Bicycle touring

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38 results

Circuit de cyclotourisme: Fête du vélo 2018 - circuit long

168 m 2h30 min 33 Km
This itinerary is suitable for everyone for exploring the Vallée du Florival, while avoiding major traffic routes for your safety. You will see...

Bicycle tourism circuit 2 : Grand Ballon cycling tour

1170 m Half-day 52 Km
This route, longer than 51km, will take you to the top of the Vosges. Departing from Guebwiller, you will soon be in the thick of it,...

Bicycle tourism circuit 11 : the crest road

2560 m Half-day 126 Km
This circuit will take you along the Route des Crêtes. This legendary route offers a breath-taking view of each side of the mountain....

Circuit de cyclotourisme : Tour du Grand Ballon

820 m Half-day 60 Km
Prendre de la hauteur, se dépasser, vivre une expérience intense au cœur de paysages grandioses sur le "toit des Vosges" au cour d'une randonnée...

Circuit de cyclotourisme: Boucle famille Guebwiller, Soultz, Hartmannswiller

110 m 2h 18 Km
Explore the heritage of the town of Guebwiller, with its three churches, and more. This ride will also take you to Soultz and Hartmannswiller....

Bycicle tourism circuit 4 : Thur circuit

1500 m All day 100 Km
This route will allow you to follow a part of the river Thur. Before this, start along the Wine Route, with the Vosges mountain range on...

Bicycle tourism circuit: Tour du Pays Rhin-Vignoble-Grand Ballon

489 m All day 87,8 Km
This circuit mainly follows the plain for a discovery of the landscapes of Alsace. You can admire the Vosges mountain from one side and, the German...

Family circuit n°4 : Guebwiller, Soultzmatt, Issenheim

155 m 2h 22 Km
This tour will allow you to ride on the wine route near Guebwiller. You will pass through charming wine villages such as Bergholtz, Bergholtz-Zell...

Bicycle tourism circuit: Plain and vineyard circuit

260 m 3h 46,8 Km
This circuit mainly follows the plain for a discovery of the landscapes of Alsace. You can admire the Vosges mountain from one side and, from afar,...

Cycling climb : Domaine Langmatt (Murbach)

403 m 45 min 8,7 Km
Depart from Guebwiller, follow the direction of Murbach. Once at Murbach, go straight on towards the Domaine Langmatt Hotel to reach the top of La...

Bicycle tourism circuit: Guebwiller Buhl family loop

68 m 1h30 min 8,7 Km
This itinerary is suitable for everyone for exploring the Vallée du Florival, while avoiding major traffic routes for your safety. You will see...

bicycle tour : between vineyards and fields

270 m Half-day 52 Km
This course without great difficulty will allow you to discover a part of the plain of Alsace by skirting initially the massif of Vosges. Then you...


For families
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